DeepSea’s HD Multi SeaCam is streaming high-definition video under the Scripps Pier in La Jolla!

September 25th, 2024

Exciting news for ocean goers in San Diego and ocean lovers everywhere! The camera installed at the famous Ellen Browning Scripps Memorial Pier at La Jolla Shores is up and running. The camera and live feed is part of Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s Coastal Ocean Observing Lab, which collects vital data about the ocean in our coastal environment, including temperature and salinity. The new Scripps Pier Cam gives viewers a live look underwater at the pier, where you can check out ocean visibility and watch for any undersea inhabitants that call our local waters home.

Check out this recent interview on CBS 8 San Diego to learn more about the exciting project:

DeepSea is proud to have donated the camera, an HD Multi SeaCam, used in Scripps’ important research.

Learn more at: 


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