SmartSight™ Machine Vision Cameras

An image showing three subsea cameras


SmartSight is a line of cameras and related hardware developed specifically for machine vision applications. Featuring a range of high quality lens options, Gigabit Ethernet interface for easy integration, and edge computing hardware for data processing and collection, SmartSight cameras provide value-add autonomy, object recognition, navigation, and inspection technology that sets them apart.

Model MV100

0.4 MP, 1.6 MP, 2.3 MP, 3.2 MP

Maximum Frame Rate 35.4 FPS (3.2 MP) to 286 FPS (0.4 MP)
Lens Options

Flat Port: 6mm F/5.6, 2.7mm F/2.9

Dome Port: 2.7mm F/2.9, 2.3mm F/2.8

Depth Rating 6km, 11km Option